Thursday, 1 October 2009

How to check Linux release/update in RHEL/fedora/CentOS

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How to check Linux release/update in RHEL/fedora/CentOS

To upgrade fedora, centos and Redhat enterprise Linux you need to know what release and what update you are currently running on your server. You can check release by running uname –r, but uname –r shows kernel release not the Linux OS release/updates. Here is how you can check Linux OS release and updates:

In Redhat enterprise linux,fedora and centos to check update running :

In Redhat enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL5) to check release and update run command:

#cat /etc/redhat-release

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga)

Looking into redhat-release file contents reveals that my Linux server is running Redhat Enterprise Linux release (RHEL5) 5.1 and base OS namaed Tikanga.

In Redhat enterprise Linux 4(RHEl4) to check release and update run command:

[root@svn ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 3)

This Linux server running RHEL4 (code name= Nahant) with installed update 3.

In Fedora to check release and update run following command:

#cat /etc/redhat-release

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf)

This Linux server running Fedora 8 and base OS named Werewolf

On Debian I don't find any command to check Linux OS update. If anyone find the command to check what debian update is installed please let me know. However I find glimpse of

Update in /etc/issue:

#cat /etc/issue :

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 \n \l

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